Saturday, August 3, 2019

Violence in Schools Essay examples -- Education School Teen Violence

As teachers, parents, and students prepare and begin this new school year, hopefully fears of school violence such as the bullying, slapping, punching, weapon use, and rape will not be their major concern. To top it all, what is School Violence? As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, School Violence is a subset of students or teachers violence, physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing, the act or an instance of violent action or behavior at school, abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent, vehemence of feeling or expression. What is sad is that school violence needs to be a concern at all. The fact is; violence of one sort or another is part of many schools today. Fortunately, this usually involves a small group of people fighting amongst themselves. School Violence is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. People are talking about what needs to be done to help prevent this from becoming an everyday occurrence, looking to meta l detectors for schools, profiling of who would be the most likely to commit such crimes, and changing the way violence is looked at by society as a whole. There needs to be a change within society itself, but also in suburban homes and most of all is at school. Parents have never really been encouraged to teach their children ways of non violent confrontation. A push needs to be created towards parents getting involved in their child’s lives and knowing what is going on with their son or daughter. This is not only a way to help prevent the violence that plagues the schools of today but to help stop violence from occurring. Parents are the front line defense to helping put an end to school violence. This writing will be paste on the harmful effects of v... ...lves that should be considered tackling matters that are important instead of slipping through so easily into issues that are not worth it and undemanding for not only their lives but also the lives of others in the community that affected. Thus from what we see in arguments and damages caused in most communities are the cruelty of those students coming from school violences, so therefore to make this place a better one, teach students to control their pride and have more concern with what our life is taking us through, aiming for the best and the highest accomplishments not having violence affect our schools and our society.

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